Endemic birds of Indonesia — Indonesia has more endemic birds than any other country. Indonesia s size, tropical climate, and archipelagic geography, support the world s second highest level of biodiversity (after Brazil).cite book | last =Lester | first =Brown, R | title… … Wikipedia
List of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic birds — This list is based on the Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic Birds [http://www.birdsaustralia.com.au/hanzab/HANZAB spp list.pdf list, May 2002 update] , with the doubtfuls omitted. It includes the birds of Australia, New Zealand,… … Wikipedia
List of birds of Australia — This list is based on the Birds Australia [http://www.birdsaustralia.com.au/checklist/ba birdlist sept03.pdf list, September 2003] (PDF, free registration required).The Birds Australia list is considered unofficial. It is based on Christidis and… … Wikipedia
List of endangered animal species — This is a list of endangered animal species according to the World Conservation Union (IUCN) Red List. The list includes endangered species of the kingdom Animalia. NOTOC A* Acheilognathus elongatus * Acipenser Endangered * Acrocephalus… … Wikipedia
Птицы Австралии — Содержание 1 Эндемики Австралии 2 Struthioniformes 2.1 Struthionidae … Википедия
Список птиц Австралии — Содержание 1 Эндемики Австралии 2 Страусообразные Struthioniformes … Википедия
List of Asian birds — This list of Asian birds is a listing of all the bird species known from the continent of Asia.NotesThe taxonomy of this list adheres to James Clements Birds of the World: A Checklist , and reflects all changes to that work until July, 2005.… … Wikipedia
List of birds of South Australia — This is a list of birds of South Australia:cite book | author = Horton, Philippa | chapter = Birds | editor = Robinson, A. C.; Casperson, K. D.; Hutchinson, M. N. | year = 2000 | title = A list of the vertebrates of South Australia | publisher =… … Wikipedia